How do I cancel my Iberia flight ticket?

How do I cancel my Iberia flight ticket?

If you want to cancel your Iberia ticket, the fastest way to do it is through the Iberia airline's official website. You can cancel a ticket to Iberia from anywhere and at any time with the help of a laptop and a mobile phone. Use the following method to cancel your ticket through the website: 

Steps to cancel the Iberia flight ticket:

  • Visit the Iberia airline's official website '' or open the mobile app.
  • Tap on the "Your flight" option from the menu.
  • Go to the "Manage my booking" option.
  • Type your "PNR number" and "Last name"
  • Click on the "Cancel my booking" option.
  • Agree to the conditions and click on the "Confirm" button.
  • After that, you will receive a message on the registered mobile number or email about your ticket cancellation.

What is Iberia's cancellation policy?

Like every other Airline, Iberia also has its policy to deal with specific problems. To know better about Iberia Airlines' rules on canceling a flight, here are some points from the Iberia airline's cancelation policy:

  • According to the Iberia cancellation policy, you will get a full refund if you cancel your flight ticket within 24 hours of booking.
  • If you cancel your flight after 24 hours of booking, some fee will be applied, known as a cancellation fee, and you will get your refund, reducing the fee amount.
  • You will get a full refund if you are not able to get on the flight because of a medical emergency. However, you need to show the relevant documents as proof.
  • If Iberia airline cancels the flight, you will receive a full refund. 

Can I cancel the Iberia flight within 24 hours?

As per the Iberia cancel flight 24 hours policy, if you have booked the wrong flight or suddenly your plan has been changed, and you want to cancel your ticket, you can easily cancel your flight within 24 hours and claim a full refund. 

What is the cost of canceling the Iberia flight?

If you cancel your flight ticket within 24 hours, then no charges will be applied, but if you cancel the flight after 24 hours, then a fee known as the Iberia cancellation fee will be applied, which varies from $100 - $500 depending upon the time left for departure. More charges will apply as the time left for the departure comes closer.

Does Iberia have a 24-hour cancellation policy?

Yes, Iberia does have a 24-hour cancelation policy which allows you to get a full refund if you cancel your flight within 24 hours. You can also make minor changes to your flight without any charges within 24 hours of booking, like rescheduling your flight and changing three letters in your name. You can easily make all these changes for free if you do it within 24 hours of booking.

How can I cancel an Iberia flight without a cancellation fee?

If you want to cancel the Iberia flight without paying the fee, you have to provide a valid reason and show the related documents as proof to the airline or you can cancel the flight within 24 hours of booking.

How to call Iberia customer service to cancel the flight:

Call on the customer service number (+34 915 23 65 68) from your registered mobile number.

Choose the preferred language.
Select the preferred service from the IVR instructions

Press 1 to cancel your flight 
Press 2 to book a ticket
Press 3 to know the status of the flight
Press 4 to file a complaint or any suggestions
Press 0 to get connected with the customer service representative.

After that, wait for a few minutes, and your call will connect with the representative.

Provide him with all the relevant information about your flight, and the representative will assist you in canceling your ticket.