How do I cancel my Avianca flight?

How do I cancel my Avianca flight?

Avianca airlines allow their travelers to reserve flight seats online and get all the facilities. Sometimes it is no longer possible to continue the trip on the agreed dates. In this case, you can cancel the flight trip with Avianca Airlines and get the money back. You must understand all the rules regarding the cancellation of flights with Avianca airlines. For this, you can read this article and get all the details about flight cancellation.

Steps to cancel an Avianca flight online:

  • Initially, you have to access the official website of Avianca airlines.
  • You can then proceed to manage your reservation identifier available on the website.
  • There, you need to add the reservation code with your last name and touch the continue button.
  • You will see the details of the reservation with Avianca airlines on the new screen.
  • From there, you can choose the flight you want to cancel and tap the cancel my flight button.
  • On the next screen, you'll get the final payoff amount after subtracting any charges, if any.
  • You must review the details and complete the flight cancellation.
  • Avianca Airlines will send you the flight cancellation confirmation message to your registered email address.

What is Avianca's cancellation policy?

If you want to cancel the flight trip, you must know the terms and conditions. Therefore, you can read about Avianca's cancellation policy below:

  • Avianca gives its travelers the possibility of canceling the flight trip within 24 hours of the purchase at no additional charge. To do this, you must have purchased the Avianca air ticket at least seven days before the scheduled departure.
  • Once you cancel the flight after 24 hours, you need to pay the fees. Actual flight charges will depend on ticket type and the time remaining for actual departure.
  • If you have used a part of your flight trip and proceeded to cancel it. In this case, you will only cancel the unused part after deducting the corresponding charges.
  • Sometimes you are faced with the sudden death of a family member and you cannot continue the journey. Avianca understands every circumstance and allows you to cancel flights for free at any time before scheduled departure.
  • If you have purchased a plane ticket with online travel agencies, you need to connect with them to cancel the plane ticket.

How much does it cost to cancel an Avianca flight?

The cancellation of a flight with Avianca Airlines depends on several factors. Therefore, the actual cost of canceling an Avianca flight will vary between $25 and $200. You will receive final charges at the time of cancellation which will be calculated based on ticket type and flight departure.

Can I cancel an Avianca flight?

Yes, you can cancel the Avianca flight online or with the customer service team. Although to cancel an Avianca flight, you can log in to the reservation management identifier and select the reservation to cancel it.

Does Avianca have a 24-hour cancellation policy?

Yes, Avianca airlines grant you the cancellation in 24 hours. In this facility, you can proceed to cancel the Avianca ticket within 24 hours of purchase to avoid charges. According to this feature, you must have purchased the plane ticket seven days before the scheduled departure.

How many times can you change your Avianca flight?

Many passengers are always confused about the number of times they can change the Avianca flight. According to the terms and conditions of Avianca airlines, you can change the trip of the flight only three times before the scheduled departure. If you make the changes only once, you do not need to pay any fees. After that, a change fee will be charged on your flight journey which will be calculated accordingly.

Does Avianca allow cancellation in 24 hours?

Yes, Avianca allows its travelers to cancel the flight trip within 24 hours of purchase. You can contact their customer service team or cancel my Avianca plane ticket online. The representative will help you in this situation. If you are unable to cancel the flight within 24 hours, you must pay the fees or charges. Flight charges will be computed according to the type of reservation with Avianca airlines. You can see the different ways to communicate with the representative in their contact section.