How do I cancel Volotea flight?

How do I cancel the Volotea flight?

If you have booked the wrong flight or if there is a change in your plan and you want information on how to cancel your Volotea flight, you don't have to worry. You can easily cancel your Volotea flight from the official website by following these instructions:

Steps to cancel Volotea flight ticket:

  • Open the official website of Volotea
  • Then search for the “Manage my booking option from the main menu.
  • Type the “Booking Reference Number” and your “Last name”
  • Tap on the “Cancel my booking” button.
  • Read and agree to the conditions shown on the screen.
  • After that, you will receive a message on your registered mobile number or email regarding your flight cancellation.

What is Volotea 24 hour cancellation policy?

As per the Volotea 24-hour cancellation policy, you can cancel your Volotea flight within 24 hours of the purchase and receive a full refund. However, if you cancel the ticket after 24 hours, some charges will be applied as cancellation charges, and you will not get a full refund.

Volotea Airline cancellations policy:

  • If you cancel your flight within 24 hours, you will receive a full refund.
  • If you cancel your flight after 24 hours, some charges will apply, and you will get your refund deducting those charges.
  • If due to a technical glitch or fewer staff issues, Volotea cancels the ticket and will give you a full refund, and you can also reschedule a new flight.
  • You can not cancel your flight if you have the boarding pass.
  • If you cancel your flight for medical reasons, you will get a full refund. However, you have to show the relevant documents to the authority.

How to contact Volotea customer service to cancel the flight?

If you want to contact customer service to cancel your flight, then the best option is to call on the customer service number and speak to the representative directly. Provide him with all the details of your flight, and the representative will assist in canceling your flight. To get the representative through a call, use the below steps: 

  • Dial the Volotea customer service number (034 931-220-717) from your mobile.
  • Choose the preferred language.
  • Then you will get to the IVR menu.
  • Listen to the IVR instructions and choose the option accordingly:
  1. Press 1 to book a flight
  2. Press 2 to know the location of the flight
  3. Press 3 to cancel your ticket
  4. Press 4 for any luggage-related issue
  5. Press 0 to talk with a customer service executive

Wait for a few minutes, and your call will be connected with an executive.
Give all the details regarding your flight, and the representative will help you cancel the ticket.

Can you cancel a flight with Volotea?

According to the Volotea cancellation policy, you can cancel your flight up to 4 hours before the flight departure. You can easily cancel your flight with Volotea through the website, by calling the Airline office, or directly through the Volotea Airline office. However, you will not be able to cancel your flight once you have the boarding pass.  

How many charges will apply if you cancel the Volotea flight?

If you wish to cancel your flight, you must know that you can not freely do it. Some costs will apply if you cancel the flight after 24 hours of booking. The cost of Volotea flight cancellations depends upon the date and time left for the departure. The average cancellation fee is $100 to $500. The later you cancel your flight, the more charges will apply. So, it is better that you cancel your flight as early as possible.