How to cancel a flight on Philippine Airlines?

How to cancel a flight on Philippine Airlines? 

Suppose you plan to cancel your reserved flight with Philippine Airlines due to a sudden change in your traveling plan. In that case, you can cancel a Philippine Airlines flight online through the official website, as it is the most straightforward way to proceed with the procedure to be aware of the procedure, go through the information mentioned below, and get updated.

  • Head to the official web page of Philippine Airlines:  
  • On the manage booking page, enter your last name and the confirmation code.
  • Your flight details will arise on the screen; go through it promptly.
  • Select the flight cancellation opinion and fill in all the required details.
  • Go through the terms and conditions specifically and agree to it.
  • Then, pay the cancellation fee if asked by the Airline.
  • After that, you will get a confirmation message in your respective email.

What is the PAL policy on cancellation of flights?

Before heading with the flight booking procedure, make sure you go through the Philippine Airlines cancellation policy points that are mentioned below and get updated with the airline's terms and conditions regarding the cancellation process.

  • To avoid paying the Philippine flight cancellation fee, cancel your scheduled Philippine flight within 24 hours of your scheduled flight booking.
  • According to the Philippine Airlines cancellation fee, those flights booked through the official website are eligible for cancellation.
  • When the cancellation is made after the given risk-free window, you must pay the Airline a cancellation fee as charged.
  • The cancellation fee for Philippine Airlines depends upon the destination and the flight type of ticket.
  • The refund for your canceled Philippine flight will be credited to you through your source of payment. 
  • The amount for your canceled flight will be credited to you within 7 to 10 business days in your account.

Can I cancel my Philippine Airlines ticket within 24 hours? 

Yes, you can cancel your scheduled Philippine flight ticket within 24 hours, as according to the Airline policy, if you have canceled your flight within 24 hours of flight reservation, the airline will not charge a Philippine Airlines cancellation fee. To avoid paying the penalty to the Airline, try to cancel within the prescribed time. 

How much does it cost to cancel a Philippine Airlines ticket? 

If you have missed a chance to cancel your Philippine Airline flight ticket within 24 hours, then you will be charged the Airline cancellation fee. However, the penalty amount depends upon the traveler's destinations and the time; the cancellation fee that has been charged is around 200 USD, and the Airline will refund the amount to you within 7 to 10 business days. 

What number do I call to cancel a Philippine flight ticket?

If you are finding it hard to cancel the Airline's website, then you can proceed with another way, where you can make a call to the Airline customer support by calling the Airline helpline number 1 (800) 435-9725 for your Philippine Airlines cancel flight process, as this is the most convenient way to proceed where you can ask the live human to cancel your scheduled flight.