How do I cancel my flight with Air Europa?

How do I cancel my flight with Air Europa?

If you want to cancel an Air Europa flight online due to any reasons such as illness, poor weather, plans canceled, etc., you can do so, and for that, there are some steps that you are required to follow appropriately;

  • Visit the official website of Air Europa to begin the process. 
  • There you will find the Manage My Booking tab; tap on it. 
  • Enter all your ticket details, such as PNR Number, last name, etc., and search for your flight. 
  • Choose your flight and tap on the "Cancel flight" tab. 
  • Fill out the refund form and submit it. 
  • You will be done with the process and get a confirmation mail. 

What is the Air Europa cancellation number?

You may be looking for a phone number so you can cancel your Air Europa flight, which is 844 415 39 55, where you will be assigned an agent who will provide you with complete assistance so you can do so. 

What is Air Europa's cancellation policy?

Passengers are always advised to be aware of Air Europa's flight cancelation policy as this helps them to safeguard from any additional charges imposed by the airline. So, you are suggested to give a careful look at the points as described below:

  • As per the Air Europa cancellation policy, 24 hours, you incur no fee when you cancel the flight. This means you will get a full refund. 
  • If you are a non-refundable ticket holder, you may be allowed to cancel the flight, but you will not be given a refund. 
  • Flights canceled post 24 hours of the booking will be fined a cancellation fee by the airline. 
  • To be eligible under its policy, you must have made a booking 7 days before your travel or flight date. 
  • If you are a member of the airline or an Elite class program member, you will get a waiver from the airline even if you cancel it after 24 hours of your booking. 

Still, if you have any doubt related to the same, you are suggested to get in touch with the executive who will provide you clarity on the same. 

How much does it cost to cancel an Air Europa plane ticket? 

There is the imposition of Air Europa cancellation fee for flights canceled by passengers, and to know about them, you are advised to look at the points that are elaborated below; please have a look;

The cancellation cost begins at $39, and it varies from different flight to flight and the time at which you make a cancellation. 
However, you must consult with the representative of the airline, who will give you a proper idea related to the cost of the flight cancellation. 

How to call Air Europa to cancel a flight?

If you want to cancel your Air Europa Plane ticket, there is a feasible way to get in touch with the airline, and that is by dialing their phone number, 011 34 911 40 15 01 an executive will be assigned who will look after your request to cancel your flight. 

How long before you can cancel your Air Europa flight?

Air Europa gives you a window of up to 10 minutes before your flight to cancel the flight. However, there will be impositions of cancellation charges by the airline.