Guide on How to Cancel a Westjet Flight Online | Policy and fees

How to cancel a Westjet flight ticket?

In case of a medical emergency, if you need to cancel your reserved WestJet Airline ticket and you have to process it online, then you have to go by the official steps, which you can conveniently gather from the below section. Ticket cancel Westjet flight online would be the best way possible because then you can cancel and provide the appropriate reason and describe it quite easily.

Steps to cancel WestJet Airlines online: 

  • Firstly, visit the WestJet Airlines website by the preferred browser.
  • Now, log into the account with the correct credentials and then tap over the manage trips icon. 
  • Enter the ticket PNR number along with the last name of the passenger.
  • Further, choose your ticket for the cancellation option and provide details like the reason to cancel and the fare type. 
  • Next, you need to describe the reason within 1000 characters and then tap over the submit button. 
  • In the end, your ticket will get processed to cancel, and you might have to pay cancellation charges if applicable to the ticket, and you receive a confirmation email.
  • By the way in case if you were not able to cancel the WestJet Airline ticket online, then you are supposed to use the contact way to request ticket cancellation as it would be the best possible way for cancellation.

What is WestJet Airlines' Cancellation Policy?

About canceling your existing ticket due to a medical emergency, you are required to have information by WestJet cancellation policy, as under the norms, only you will get to know charges payable or other necessary information.

  • According to WestJet Airline's cancellation policy, if you cancel a ticket within 24 hours, then you are not liable for any charges.
  • But if you try to cancel the ticket after 24 hours, then you have to pay cancellation charges as per trip type.
  • Or else if you make necessary changes to your ticket within 24 hours, then you are liable to pay the difference. 
  • Refundable and nonrefundable tickets at WestJet Airlines are liable to cancellation norms only.

Can you cancel a WestJet vacation within 24 hours?

Yes, passengers are permitted with the option to cancel a Westjet flight ticket, booked with a vacation plan, without any trouble within 24 hours of purchase. For this option, you will have to use the online procedure to complete such an even task. Note the full amount of the vacation package deposit paid, which includes refundable fees and further refunds, will get reverted in the original form in your source account.

How much does it cost to cancel a Westjet flight ticket?

There is a cost that is chargeable by the passenger's WestJet cancellation fees, although the charges to cancel are payable as per the chosen fare type, and it can be from $50 to $400; to know more about the fees, you are supposed to contact a customer service representative for help.

How long before a WestJet flight can you cancel?

The cancellation of the ticket at WestJet Airlines should be driven until 2 hours before the scheduled departure, which could be different as per domestic and international flight tickets. Note the charges are payable according to cancellation only.