How to cancel a Royal Air Maroc flight ticket?

Can I cancel my ticket with Royal Air Maroc?

There are cases in which Royal Air Maroc passengers fall into trouble, such as illness, family concerns, etc., due to which they look forward to canceling the journey and wonder whether the airline allows it. So, the answer is yes, you can cancel flight Royal Air Maroc. However, you need to remember that there is a cancellation policy in which you have to be eligible for a refund. For more inquiries, get in touch with the representative. 

How to cancel a Royal Air Maroc flight ticket?

The scariest part for any passenger is to cancel the flight, but the concern expands when one does not know the process of canceling the Royal Air Maroc flight. So, you are suggested to consider the online method and cancel the itinerary; please take a look:

  • Visit the official webpage of Royal Air Maroc to begin the mode. 
  • Look at the Manage Booking tab and enter all the details, such as PNR Number, name, etc., and search the itinerary. 
  • Tap the flight and go to the “Edit My Flight” option. 
  • Cancel the itinerary, fill out the refund form, and submit it.
  • By this, you will be able to complete the method.  

What is the Royal Air Maroc cancellation policy?

It is most times advised by the experts to be aware of the Royal Air Maroc cancellation policy as this can help you save bucks, avoid any additional charges, and apply for a refund easily. So, you are recommended to jot down whatever point seems important to you; please have a look:

  • To get a 100% refund, you have to cancel the itinerary within 24 hours of the booking. 
  • Travelers holding non-refundable tickets, may not get a refund after canceling a flight. However, miles can be offered.
  • Post 24 hours of the reservation, if you cancel the itinerary, you may have to incur a fee to the airline for compensation.  
  • If Royal Air Maroc cancels the ticket, you do not have to fill out any cancelation form or a refund form. The airline will either initiate a refund or rearrange a flight. 
  • You may not get an option to cancel the itinerary after the departure of your flight.  

How much is the Royal Air Maroc cancellation fee?

Passengers look forward to verifying the cancelation fee which is charged by the airline. This helps them to be clear with each charge imposed by them. So, dive into the points that are discussed below; please take a look;

You may be charged a 20-40% Royal Air Maroc cancellation fee out of your total ticket fares. 
However, these chargers may vary from time to time; thus, you must keep yourself in the loop. 

How to contact Royal Air Maroc to cancel a flight ticket?

For any flight cancelation concerns on Royal Air Maroc, you can anytime approach the assistance team by making a phone call. All you have to do is dial 1 (800) 344-6726  and wait until the agent is assigned. Request them to cancel your itinerary by providing your ticket details, and the agent will end the process.